Invading Pacific oysters: good, bad or ugly?
International Workshop
1-2 November 2017, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
Pacific oysters are arguably one of the most prominent invasive species in European coastal waters. While the introduction and spread of the species have been well documented, the full range of impacts on marine ecosystems still remains to be investigated. This workshop will bring together experts in the field to present and discuss recent research on the ecological and evolutionary impacts of the Pacific oyster invasion on the Wadden Sea UNESCO world natural heritage site and other marine ecosystems in Europe. At the same time, the workshop will offer a condensed state-of-the-art overview of oyster impacts for practitioners in nature conservation, management and policy making. The 1 ½ day workshop will consist of presentations by a variety of speakers and there will be the opportunity for further contributions in a dedicated poster session.
The workshop Pacific oysters: good, bad or ugly? will take place on 1-2 November at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. For more information see flyer below, which can also be downloaded here.